
Showing posts with label London. Show all posts
Showing posts with label London. Show all posts

Friday, August 14, 2015

Bowie Bucks or the Brixton Pound

"The Brixton Pound (B£) is money that sticks to Brixton. It’s designed to support Brixton businesses and encourage local trade and production. It’s a complementary currency, working alongside (not replacing) pounds sterling, for use by independent local shops and traders. The B£ gives local traders and customers the chance to get together to support each other and maintain the diversity of the high street and strengthen pride in Brixton."

Friday, August 3, 2012

"Bicycle" - Stunning Illustration by Ugo Gattoni

Stylized word Bicycle with impressionist versions of bikes

It's a gorgeously detailed 5 meter long illustration of a bike race in London by Ugo Gattoni  Notable places in London are captured as the bicycle race passes through.  Sites include St. Paul's Cathedral, Big Ben and Smithfield meat market.

 I love that the pig's head is coming out of the market because I used to walk by it on my way to work and my lasting memory of the market was of a barrel of pigs heads and getting asked to leave because I was taking pictures.
"Bicycle is a giant leporello book by Ugo Gattoni and published by Nobrow Press
The original is a 5 meters long drawing about bicycles through the streets of London
Released in time for the London 2012 Olympics"
On his site he has other beautiful illustrations and examples of his work.

Bicycle is Available at Nabrow Press

BICYCLE from Éditions Copains on Vimeo.

Sample of illustration with loops and Big Ben and St. Paul's cathedral in London

magnifying glass examining illustration

Pig's head coming out of building, Smithfield meat market

Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympic Art and Issues

In honor of the opening game of the Olympics today, I thought I'd share some of my favorite Olympic art, video and issues of the last couple of weeks. In addition to the great art, and articles, be sure to watch the Boris Johnson video from Cassette boy

Starting today, hopefully we can enjoy the sport as well.

street art of javelin thrower using missile

Bill board stating with a number of words banned from use because of the games

Oddbins Ani-Olympics campaign: Lodnon 2102;

Street art of Ronald McDonald with various commercial endoresements on torch and outfit with cash flowing from his pockets

McDonald's Olympics French Fry Monopoly: Sponsorship Deal Bans Other Vendors From Selling Fries

Street Art of two police officers guarding McDonalds Symbol over the Olympic rings and the words "I'm lovin' it"

 Boris Johnson Olympic Welcome

Olympic Vermin from Leo Bridle on Vimeo.

Two images, one of tattoo spelling Olympic wrong and picture of woman holding Olympic torch
Olympic torchbearer gets tattoo spelt incorrectly
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