
Showing posts with label Deaf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deaf. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Dad Gets cochlear Implant Tattooed on Head for his Daughter

A New Zealand father got a great tattoo of a cochlear implant in support of his 6 year old daughter. 

A Taupo dad has gotten a cochlear implant tattooed on his head to help his little girl not feel like the odd one out. Charlotte, 6, who had her first implant put in at the age of 4 in 2013, has just had her second one put in at Gillies Hospital. In a gesture of support, her father, Alistair Campbell, had his own "implant" tattooed on the left side of his head, three days ago. Mr Campbell, who had no other tattoos, said he wanted to do it to show her that he could go through a little bit of pain for her too..."My love for her really," he said. "Hey my hair can grow back."... When Charlotte saw her dad's version of a cochlear implant she giggled, touched it and told him it was "cool"- NZ Herald

little girl facing forward, man facing girl with shaved head and tattoo of choclear implant

Man and girl facing away from camera, man with shaved head and tattoo of choclear implant

Monday, June 27, 2011

National Association of the Deaf File Lawsuit Against Netflix over Captioning

Netflix logo versus National Association for the Deaf logo

National Association of the Deaf  File Lawsuit Against Netflix over Captioning

NAD are charging that Netflix violates the Americans with Disabilities Act not providing captioning to all of their streaming content. The lawsuit was filed June 16 in U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts

"An estimated 36 million Americans are deaf or hard of hearing. The deaf and hard of hearing community has repeatedly expressed concerns—via letters, petitions, blogs, and social media—to Netflix about its failure to provide equal access to “Watch Instantly."
“We have tried for years to persuade Netflix to do the right thing and provide equal access to all content across all platforms. They chose not to serve our community on an equal basis; we must have equal access to the biggest provider of streamed entertainment. As Netflix itself acknowledges, streamed video is the future and we must not be left out,,” said NAD President Bobbie Beth Scoggins.
“There is no excuse for Netflix to fail to provide captions so that deaf and hard of hearing customers have access to the same movies and TV shows as everyone else,” stated Arlene Mayerson, Directing Attorney of the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund. “Netflix admits that there is no technological issue. For people who are deaf and hard of hearing, captions are like ramps for people who use wheelchairs.”
View the statement from the NAD below.  Be sure captions are enabled as statement is signed.
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